Loved every second of this essay. I’m adding BRAG! To my expansion list for my next Art of Habit (habit Tracker). πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’«β˜ΊοΈ this Leo rising is kinda excited! πŸ˜†

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On one hand so happy to hear it! On the other hand OH GOD I’ve further empowered a Leo (rising)!

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Omg my Leo rising is ecstatic too lol

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Right?! Let’s nail this task πŸ€£πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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My current brag that I feel uncomfortable bragging about is that I have taken time off work and am not doing a 9-5 job. However, I don’t feel super comfortable owning that because of what other people think. But it means that I’m not fully leaning into how amazing it is. There might be a bit of shame there. Our minds are weird and wonderful things!

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YES! Why should you be ashamed about creating a life you enjoy? We should all be so lucky!

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Thank you Alice πŸ₯°

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Classic cognitive behavioral tool, love this!

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Omg of course, totally makes sense! Thanks for reading! πŸ₯°

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This piece made me so happy! Im reading at the laundromat with a big smile on my face 🫢

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AH a lovely mental snapshot. Thanks for reading!

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This was so great. I have a hard time saying anything that might be interpreted as a brag. A boss I had years ago once told me, β€œYou have to blow your own horn. No one else is going to do it for you.” She was right, and I learned from that, but I often find myself defaulting back to my factory setting of clamming up. So thanks for the reminder.

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β€œFactory setting” is such a great way to describe the feeling! I agreeβ€”more horn blowing needed.

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Love this piece. It's made me think and also vow to be different. I love the reminder about real friends wanting you to brag. I'm very grateful to have friends like that.

Here's my second brag that is pure luck and no skill on my part: by complete chance when I was travelling around the US for work in 2003, the university in Indiana had a poster saying Tracy Chapman was performing that evening in one of the auditoriums. It was absolute magic. This song already held so many memories for me and hearing it live gave me chills. This video took me right back. Thanks for the reminder.

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Oh that is the best brag ever! Both very jealous and happy for you :)

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Love a vow to be different! 🩷 And this is an excellent brag!

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This is just beautiful! A brag-a-day! Should we all be doing this now?? I think we should! It seems like a friend of gratitude-journalling. I just love it!

I'm going to be publishing a journal linked to my book in April and this feels like something that should be noted down every day!!!!!!

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Wait yes! It IS a version of gratitude journaling! Like giving intentional attention to what makes life good? (Too much?)

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I’m inspired. I’m an award winning screenwriter. I guest starred twice on Seinfeld! Betty White had me fired. Okay, is that a brag or a secret. Hehe.

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Excellent brags!!

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These brags are eclectic and v cool!

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This is such a hard one. The instinct to be anonymous is challenging. But I've learned so much from so many people and read so many great stories or works because people were willing to put themselves out there. I have to keep reminding myself, not just that *its ok to tell people about your work*, its a bit unfair to expect everyone else to do the work of sharing what they are up to and not sharing anything in return. (For me, not telling anyone else is has to be this way)

Also I came to the comments to see everyone's brags.

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Totally went through the same realization! Like if I want OTHER people to share their news with me…

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LOVE love love love this piece!

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Thank you for reading, Evelyn! πŸ’–

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In entertainment, there’s one law that we all secretly know is true

Bigger egos = bigger bank accounts

Pump yourself up more. More than is even reasonable! Sell yourself the way Steve Jobs sold the Iphone, but do it ever better.

You do amazing work, and no matter how big your head gets, it will not be enough.

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β€œMore than is reasonable” is actually a great measuring stick! Thanks for reading! πŸ’–

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Wonderful post, Ali. Thanks so much for sharing. I'll remember this one! πŸ’œ

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YAY Sue! 🩷

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Happy to hear it, Sue!

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Mar 5, 2024
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EXACTLY MAMA SQUID! Nothing wrong with earned confidence! Thank you for sharing! 🩷

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