
What makes a good scene?

Let's watch some scenes and analyze how to write a good one.

Hi there!

Today I’m sharing a craft post in video format, talking about SCENE WORK.

In this video, I talk generally about what makes a good scene for about 5 minutes, and then I watch and analyze two scenes. (Which starts around minute 5). Dissecting scenes is one of my favorite teaching tools because it helps us put what we know into action. And since Substack has video, why not use it to teach mini-workshops for my paying subscribers? (There is also a free preview).

Good scenes should move the story forward, contain conflict, and reveal something new about our characters. This is true for almost all writing, whether a novel, memoir, or script. But sitting down and writing a scene that does all that — while ideally also tapping into your theme, entertaining your audience, and building emotion and tension — is difficult work. This is why we must watch and analyze how the masters do it, so we can see it in action and apply it to our own work.

More posts on the craft & career of writing:

Want to learn more? Have an idea you’re ready to turn into a script? I’m teaching a new pilot writing class starting April 14th. It’s $50 off until April 1st (paying subscribers get an additional $50 off!) You can always Venmo @alison-vingiano to avoid Eventbrite fees, just make sure to put your email in the description.

If you want some more resources on good scene work, check out the below:

This post is for paid subscribers