"The Artist's Way" guest post: Rediscovering Enthusiasm By Connecting With My Creative Roots
A guest essay on Week 9 of "The Artist’s Way," plus updates from me about my experience.
Hi there!
We are on week 10 of The Artist’s Way, meaning we are nearing the end of this 3-month experience. The marathon is almost over. I’m tired. I’m burnt out. But I can see the finish line and I’m going to keep running until I cross it.
Strange things have started to happen to me. I’ve had the confidence to make big decisions that I’ve waivered about for months. I’m more honest with myself about my wants and needs than ever before. And then, there’s the synchronicity: A few weeks ago at a party, a stranger told me about a town in the Eastern Sierras that left me eager to visit. When I was craving some peace to go write, a friend offered me her cabin. Guess where it was? Right next to the town. When I got home from the cabin, I drove immediately to a friend’s party and parked behind a car… that had a bumper sticker for the town. Maybe this sort of synchronicity used to happen all the time and I never paid attention to it. Or maybe synchronicity is happening to me now because I’m mo…