What does it mean to be consistent?
In May I meditated more consistently than ever, never missing more than two days in a row. I also almost completely abandoned my journaling practice.
In March, I started running. Since then, I’ve run my first race(!), and my furthest distance since summer camp, 5 miles. Coincidentally, my Yoga practice is nowhere to be found; or at least, it looks less like regular group classes, and more like stretching on my own before or after runs.
I’m consistently exercising and consistently taking care of my mental health, but my methods for doing so are shifting.
No act replaces another; meditation is transformational, but journaling can quickly reveal emotional truths that meditation hasn’t. Running makes me feel so good and strong, but a Yoga class is a spiritual experience that deepens my mind-body connection more profoundly. In other words, I need both running and Yoga, meditation and journaling, not one or the other.
Whoever told us to “make new friends, b…