You know when you go on a vacation and suddenly realize you’re living your life all wrong? Certainly, you should move to this beautiful place where you will never stress about home decorating or who liked your Instagram post. Obviously, a complete uprooting is in order immediately. Then you get home and the idea of changing anything is so overwhelming that you give up and check who liked your Instagram post.
Often this happens when we’re not living aligned with our values. Traveling can make us aware of what’s most important in life and it can trigger us to reevaluate how we’ve gotten wrapped up in other people’s values instead of living out our own.
Other times this happens because we are plagued by the human condition of always wanting more, and so we get lost in wanting everything and can end up with a life that feels like nothing.
I’ve spent most of my life wanting everything. I want my life to be about my art, but I also want it to be about family and love and intimacy and friendship and freedom and change and adventure. I want a farm full of rescue dogs and kids and also an apartment in the city, and also months traveling the world, and also a huge career that brings money and success and notoriety, and of course, a simple life of peace on my farm full of rescue dogs.
At times I’ve lived as if all are possible, as if every life I want to live can be shoved into this one that is somehow (I have no idea how it happened) not that far away from mid-life. It’s a point where a choice becomes necessary: What will the rest of my life be centered around?