I recently found an old planner from 2019, where to my horror, I discovered my days looked something like:
7 or 8am: Pilates or Yoga at a studio that wasn’t my living room and required me to drive
8-10am: Breakfast, shower, a 6-7 step skincare routine which included putting on makeup(!?), followed by prepping for meetings and work, reading notes, answering emails, etc., (This time might also have been an occasional Drs appointment, an in personal meeting/work breakfast, etc).
10-11: My very long commute to work
11-6: Work (I got very lucky with the Morning Show room hours!!)
6-7: Commute home
7 or 8pm: Often dinner out with a friend or sometimes even… a movie or CONCERT that lasted until 11pm or MIDNIGHT?????
Then I’d wake up and do it all over again.
Now the idea of doing that all in one day gives me a headache.
People who are parents, or worked two jobs, or had more intense hours than I did, had even busier lives.
I’ve read many articles about the diffic…